Sunday, January 30, 2011

So Cliche It Must Be Love

"I love you more than when you began reading this sentence!"

They say hate is a strong word. Love is just as strong, if not stronger. Yet it gets thrown around like nothing. It is constantly being taken out of context and supplemented as pleased. Granted, It could be applied to many things. “I love to dance because it’s my passion. Or “I love to sleep because my body is sleep deprived.” Those are simple forms of love. Love is different in people and in things. For instance, the way a teacher loves their student. They way someone loves their dog. The way a child loves their blankie.
                What love is not is immature and naive relationships or what I like to call “middle school relationships.” For starters, I don’t understand the concept of “going out” in middle school. I mean, Where you going? No where far obviously or at least not without the permission of your parents and car pooling to a public place like the mall or movies.  The best part is spending a whole week in a “relationship” because it’s cool. If you make it two weeks then you must be in love! Wrong. As exciting as it may be it most likely is not love. It’s probably indigestion.

Girls are especially fond of that word. Countless times a girl will say to another girl “love you” after almost everything.  Many conversations are ended with “love ya” “Luv U” “heart you” and so on and so forth. We cannot forget the symbols for love. “<3” or numbers “143”
                I think people should not take Love out of context because when used properly it can be powerful. I yet to have fully experience this. I hear it’s worth the wait. Don’t tell someone you love them because it’s the thing to do.
"The true meaning of Love:
It it's because of his eyes or his lips or his great body, it's not love...It's lust.
It it's because of his intelligence, it's not love...It's admiration.
If it's because he cries every time you try to leave, it's not love...It's pitty.
If it's because he makes you forget to study and sleep, it's not love...It's infactuation.
...Love is when you do not know why you seem to be atrracted to a person...Love has its reason...and the reason is unknown."


  1. Shannon, I think by posting this blog you may have just given the high school world and beyond a realization that over half of them have no idea what real love is, and if they now realized what it is, they realized that they do not have it. You mam, have made the world a better place just by posting this blog(:

  2. Mallory has stolen my words. Yes I agree completely! The word is tossed around so much but has little or no meaning to it at all. The reason why people say it, is because it "sounds" good to say. Just think, if facebook had a "love" button everyone would start loving everything instead of "liking" because well, its stronger and they know it means more. Shannon I think you have proven a point to many but it won't change the fact that millions of people everywhere will be using that word not knowing what it actually means..

  3. well miss shannon,, this is one of the greatest blogs i have read, and i completly agree with amanda and mallory. but you never know, some people might have love.
    "...Love is when you do not know why you seem to be atrracted to a person...Love has its reason...and the reason is unknown.""
    i know that stands true for me and my love for some "people"
